Eine Oase inmitten der historischen Altstadt.
Was das 5 Sterne Haus so einzigartig macht,
ist nicht nur die exponierte Lage und das geschmackvolle Interieur.

Kulinarik wird im Hotel Goliath am Dom großgeschrieben:
Ob ein luxuriöses Frühstück, ein Nachmittags-Snack mit Feinem aus der Patisserie
oder exklusive Weine in der offenen Hotellobby mit bewirtetem Freisitz
– als Ausklang für einen Tag voller Eindrücke: Genuss garantiert.

Our guests must do just one thing: feel at home.

Under no circumstances should they start the morning looking at the clock, wondering if they will get to the breakfast buffet on time.

Enjoy and relax – that’s the motto in Hotel Goliath. For this reason we offer our guests breakfast service around the clock, in their room, or if desired on the Mediterranean roof terrace.

Cafe & Bar im Goliath
Enjoying Café Life

The best coffee is of course a matter of taste. The same is true of delicacies from the pastry shop.

What is your preference in matters of coffee and sweet pastries? Choose whatever your heart desires in our cafe.

The day passes…

Another atmosphere, other conversations, another time.

Both guests and Regensburg locals enjoy meeting in the hotel bar. Not typical for a hotel bar, yet typical for the Goliath am Dom.


culinary offer in the surrounding

Explore the exquisite culinary offer at nearby restaurants. Traditional Bavarian, Italien, French and star kitchen. 1-5 minutes walk.

Opposite, directly at the cathedral, is the restaurant Bischofshof am Dom with a shady beer garden. We are happy to reserve here for our guests.

TO THE MENU Restaurant Bischofshof am Dom